Podere La Chiesa - external

Podere La Chiesa - vineyards

About Podere La Chiesa

Podere La Chiesa is a winery located among the Pisan hills, 30km southeast of Pisa along the road to Volterra, just before the little village of Casanova. It is located on the top of a hill, 125 metres above the sea level.

Overseen by Maurizio Iannantuono and Palma Tonacci, Podere La Chiesa produces high quality organic wines, mostly from the Sangiovese grape.

The location of the winery is ideal and unique: not only it is exposed to all the four cardinal points, but is also touched by the gentle wind from the Thyrrenian Sea which guarantees some relief during the warm summers, while enriching and preparing the vineyards for the harvest.

The winery is a masterpiece of modern architecture, built in harmony with the beautiful valley of Casanova, a natural amphitheater covered with vineyards.

At Podere La Chiesa wine lovers are immersed in a warm and cozy ambience, surrounded by the wonderful Tuscan countryside.

The cellar hosts art exhibitions as well as cultural and musical events throughout the year.

"Our wine is the outcome of our hard team work, deep knowledge of Tuscan nature, local culture and passion. Our wine is an emotion that our guests treasure forever in their heart after every visit."

Palma and Maurizio

About Palma and Maurizio

Palma comes from Montignoso, a small town in the province of Massa Carrara, close to the Apuan Alps, where her family runs a restaurant. Palma's first memory of wine refers to the fiery discussions between her father and her uncle about who made the best wine. These debates were for Palma some of the happiest moments of family life.

Maurizio comes from Molise in southern Italy. He arrived in Pisa to study and immediately fell in love with Tuscany, its cuisine, art and especially wine, which became part of himself. Maurizio has a great passion for art and jazz, love that he expresses by organizing art exhibitions and jazz concerts at the winery.

Podere La Chiesa - Palma

Podere La Chiesa - Maurizio Iannantuono

Podere La Chiesa - terroir

The discovery of the terroir of Terricciola

Palma and Maurizio's dream of ​​producing and selling their own wine began to mature in the nineties. Years of countless visits to wineries followed and their passion grew from visit to visit. Meetings with some producers are considered by Palma and Maurizio decisive episodes which inspired the birth of Podere La Chiesa. 

In the new millennium Palma and Maurizio decided to leave their careers in the computer world and completely devote themselves to viticulture and wine. Among the Pisan hills in Terricciola they discovered the best pedoclimatic conditions for their dream to come true. The Pisan hills, which extend from Pontedera to Volterra with a soft landscape of wavy lines, are still intact in their morphology. The area extends towards the Livorno hills to the west, and the Florentine hills to the east.

The one-million-year-old soil of Terricciola is rich in limestone sediments, peat, sand and clay. Thanks to the proximity of the sea the mild climate adds to the uniqueness of the terroir.

The area used to be populated by the Etruscans and numerous archaeological artifacts have been discovered in and around the ancient city of Volterra. During the Etruscan times vines were already cultivated in the area.

Terricciola is part of the National Wine Towns Association and has been hosting the Grape and Wine Festival for over 50 years. The festival, which takes place in September, is the oldest wine festival in the province of Pisa. 

Our vineyards

Società Agricola Podere la Chiesa s.r.l.
Via Di Casanova, 66/A - 56030 Terricciola - Pisa - Tuscany - Italy
P.IVA 01948460504 Privacy and Cookies Cookies Settings Area riservata

Tel. +39 0587.635484
Website www.poderelachiesa.it
Email info@poderelachiesa.it